About Us

About HM Foundation

Health and Medical Foundation (H-M Foundation) is a local NGO registered in February 01, 2011 under the Tanzania NGO Act of 2002, with registration No. NGO/00004346.


To be one of the leading a local organization in advancing pubic health care in Tanzania.


To contribute to quality management of diverse public health programs, capacity building and community systems strengthening for good governance and building innovative solutions for sustainable development.


  • Professionalism, Integrity and accountability to stakeholders
  • Building strong partnerships with local government and partners.
  • Continuous improvement to meet new development goals (national and international) and strategies.


H-M Foundation is governed by a legal constitution, a Board of Directors and a Project Management Team led by the Executive Director (ED) who is also secretary to the Board of Directors.

She is supported by an experienced Team composed of HIV and Reproductive Health Technical Advisor, a Compliance and Operations Manager, a financial accountant, Field Managers and project officers whose job descriptions align to specific project components.  There is pool of part time staff who are hired to implement specific project activities.


Project implementation is guided by national policies and guidelines and an enhanced partnership approach with the Regional Secretariat, District Councils, ward leaders and relevant stakeholders at different levels. More specifically, Organizational policy documents (Office and Procedures manual, Monitoring and Evaluation, Finance and Operations manual) guide operations and revised when necessary to align with new partners and donor requirements.

Day to day transactions are supported mainly by other policy documents e.g. travel and payment policies, procurement, Activity proposal templates foe short field trips, leave etc. Dedicated bank accounts are established to segregate funds from different donors and a Finance soft-ware (Quick-books) applied for financial management.


In Advancing Pubic Health Care in Tanzania.